Lakeland Polk County School district is the eigth largest in Florida, every year they visit a wholesale school furniture to buy new equipment. Lakeland has 163 public school facilities total, these include the following breakdown:
*66 elementary schools
*4 elementary/middle school combination
*18 elementary/middle and high school combination
*18 middle
* 3 middle/high school combinations
*18 high schools
*2 technical career centers
*11 alternative education
*24 charter schools
*3 head start sites
*5 Department of Juvenile Justice sites
Lakeland Polk County School district has a very diversified student body. There are over 94,000 students that are now enrolled. Polk County has over 13,000 employees, which half are teachers that are striving to meet the needs of your children.
Contact Information:
Physical Address:Mailing Address:
1915 South Floral Ave.P.O Box 391
Bartow, Fl 33831Bartow, Fl 33831
Website Address:www.polk-fl.net
Phone:(863) 534-0716
Lakeland Polk County School district school list is found on line. From your zip code you will be able to locate the school that your child will be attending. . Once you find the public school in your district, you can go on line to find out specific information about your new school.
Lakeland Polk County School district has a strict policy to register your child into school. You will need certain pieces of documentation that will be required, including:
*Birth Certificate
*Current Physical (less than 1 year old)
*Blue shot vaccination sheet
*2 pieces of documentation showing proof of residency
Once you have all of your documentation together visit the school in person so that they will be able to get you started.
Lakeland Polk County School district strives in providing all children with the best eduction possible. Their motto is “ To ensure rigorous, relevant learning experiences that result in high achievements for our students”. With this said we hope that your experience with Polk County school system is amazing. Good luck on your new move.