Seller Tips | What Do Buyers Really Want In A Lakeland Fl Home?
In the world of real estate, size does matter, according to a recent survey conducted by the National Association of Homebuilders. Most buyers are looking for homes around 2,000 square feet. The problem is, 50% of homes in the U.S. are almost 40 years old and do not possess the amenities buyers are looking for.
According to NAHB, only 1/3 of homes in the market have 2,000 square feet or more of livable space. Existing homes are most likely under 1,600 or even under 1,200 square feet, which is a size that only a few buyers want.
So does this mean bad news for Lakeland Fl home sellers with homes under 2,000 square feet? Will buyers skip your home or put in the bottom of their list? It actually depends. Don’t lose heart, there are other factors that buyers look for in a home in Lakeland FL aside from the size.
Location is also a very important consideration for homebuyers. Size and location are often open for negotiation and buyers may even consider sacrificing one area in order to get the amenity which is more important to them.
For example, your Lakeland Fl home for sale may be smaller than what the potential buyer was looking for but it is located in a neighborhood with the best school district and has a potential for expansion, then all these factors will make your home still appealing.
To properly market a home which falls short in size, look for other features and amenities in your home that you could highlight. Make sure you and your Lakeland Fl agent have good marketing materials like brochures and flyers that have fabulous photos and descriptions which play up your home’s best features.
Another great tip is to show the possibilities in your home. Say your buyer needs a home office and you have an extra room that could easily be turned into an office. This will give your buyers an idea of how to use different areas in their home to meet their own needs. Helping buyers see the possibilities will open their minds and not exclude your home because they think that your home will not meet their needs.
If your home lacks in size, then make up for it by showing more space as possible. Remove any bulky furniture and clutter and try to leave as minimum furniture as possible. This will give the home an airy and refreshing feel.
If your Lakeland Fl home for sale is smaller than what most buyers are looking for, don’t lose heart. You just need to emphasize the fantastic features and amenities that come with your home.
Lots of things to consider here Petra, and great suggestions! I agree, sometimes, we, as buyers select the main feature we are looking for (like a pool, or proximity to a specific school district, or size) and are willing to compromise on other features. I remember when I purchased my home, I was determined to be near Lake Hollingsworth. I think it’s important to mention that when I searched specifically for this location, there were homes I may have missed if the details were not included in the description – that’s why I was glad I had a realtor who was also helping me find my perfect home!
Chrissanne – absolutely the key is hiring a buyer’s agent to help you sort through things that are not available to you and guide you throughout the whole buying process. When it comes to represent the selling side, I encourage real estate agents to put as much information in the listing as possible. Buyers will pass on homes that has the features but was omitted in the description. I really appreciate your comment Chrissanne