When Is The Best Time To Sell Your Lakeland Fl Home?

Tips on when is the best time to sale your home
There are a variety of opinions on this one. Some will say Friday, your wife may say Monday, your neighbor may say Wednesday, but is there really such a thing as the best time to list your Lakeland Fl home for sale?
The best day to list your Lakeland Fl home is on the day that will get it the most exposure to the largest number of potential buyers.
So when exactly is this day? Here are a few tips to help you choose the best time to sell your home in Lakeland Fl.
1. The Best Time of Year To List Your Home
There are certain times of the year that are better than other times in listing your Lakeland home for sale. Avoid listing your home just before Christmas, as much as possible, since the pool of buyers during this season would be much smaller compared to the rest of the year. This means if you are selling during Christmas season, it may take longer and you might end up getting way below your asking price than if you listed your home during a much better time.
The best time of year to sell your Lakeland Fl home is in springtime. This is mainly the reason why the “National Open House Weekend” was designated on the 4th weekend of April by the National Association of Realtors. However, in areas that don’t snow, February or March would also be an excellent time to sell your home. Consult your Lakeland Fl agent about which month in spring would be the best time to sell your home.
In case you have missed the spring market, the next best time of year to sell is fall, just after the Labor Day weekend. Some people think that people prefer to move during summer, but contrary to popular belief, many people don’t like moving during summer since it’s a time for vacations, home improvement projects, and get-togethers.
2. The Best Time of the Month to List Your Home
This would be the week after you have paid your monthly mortgage, or the second week of the month. Luckily, you may be able to sell your Lakeland Fl home within the following 21 days. The mortgage you pay for the next month would then be the last mortgage payment you would have to make on your home.
If you are planning on buying a new home after selling your Lakeland Fl home or moving up, closing escrow should happen by the end of the month. Because of the system in interest prorations, this means you won’t be having to pay mortgage on your new home for a month. It’s like living on the new home for free even though you are paying for interest.
3. Choosing the Best Day of The Week to List Your Home
The problem with selling on a Monday is people are less focused since they are still adjusting from the weekend and still trying to refocus on work. Most federal holidays most often fall on Mondays as well. Some advertising agencies would convince you that the best day to list your home is Tuesday, but neither Monday or Tuesday is the best day to list your home.
Weekends are also not the best time to list your Lakeland Fl home for sale since most people have plans already for the weekend.
That leaves you with Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday. Thursdays are usually most agents’ day off, especially for busy agents who work on the weekends. Wednesday is only good if it happens to be the day before a Thursday, otherwise it’s still considered by most people as a hump day.
Now that means the only day left is Friday. If you’re wondering if there is still such a thing as the best specific time to list your home, it would be on 12:01 am in a Friday (or Thursday midnight. You could have your Lakeland Fl agent put your listing on the MLS a day or two before Friday to give him or her more time to make the listing perfect. Then set the listing to automatically go live on Friday at 12:01 am, that way they do not need to stay up late and watch the clock until midnight on Friday.
So why Friday, 12:01 am? Aside from catching the late sleepers on Friday, your listings will be viewed by thousands of home buyers on their computers first thing in the morning on Friday. Most home buyers tend to look on a Friday, and most of them also receive automatic email updates from their agents on a Friday. Another good reason worth mentioning is that the automatic MLS listings are released mostly when there is slow internet traffic which is from midnight until the wee hours of morning, hence the listing will show on the buyers’ computers as a completed new listing which is already available for viewing that same day. We all know that in real estate, as with any other kind of market, buyers are more motivated to check out the newer items. Most homebuyers will want that newer home for sale.
So make sure you plan ahead and select the best time to list your Lakeland Fl home for sale so it could reach the most number of buyers.