Botanical Hollis Garden in Lakeland Florida is the prime location for wedding, prom, and engagement pictures. Today there were even a group of a wedding party at the garden taking pictures for the bride and groom’s wedding album. It was time for me to share some updated photographs with you that I took while walking around this beautiful land of tranquility. If you want a home garden like this one, the landscape design Melbourne services is who you need to hire.

After after my appointment of showing a home with my client, it was time for me to take detour to Lakeland Florida’s beautiful Hollis Garden. What a beautiful day, sunny beautiful blue sky and best of all warm weather. There were lots of people there enjoying the picturesque garden with beautiful classic music playing in the background.

The caretakers of this well designed, colorful Hollis Garden in Lakeland, Florida take great pride in their work and it certainly showed today after a spell of cold and freezing temperature.

Copyright © 2011 By Petra Norris * Lakeland Florida – Botanical Hollis Garden*